Kuzhanthai maruthuvam is the branch of siddha medicine dealing with health and diseases of the children. The health status of the children their growth and development at different stages of life, the way of living are clearly described in this branch.
Role of siddha is really important in early stage to improve immunity boosting, with the usage of urai maathirai, Panchamuti kanchi.
In our department we provide special treatment for children with diseases such as Thasaivatham (Myopathy), Sirakampavatham (Cerebral Palsy), Moolai valarchi kuraivu (Autism), Bala Pakkavatham Kanam (Complicated Lower Respiratory Infections), Maantham (GIT problem), Karappan (Eczema), Kaamalai (Jaundice), Akkaram (Stomatitis), Suram (Fever).
   Thokkanam - Type of oil massage effective for all neuro muscular disorders.
   Podithimirthal - Effective in muscular dystrophy
   Varmam - Manipulative Therapy like varma is used to reduce anxiety, good for hyper activity of all neuro muscular disorders.
Syllabus of this subject comprises both traditional in siddha system and recent advances in modern peadiatrics. Smart class facilities are available in our college. Lactating room is available for lactating mother.