Noinadal (Siddha Pathology) is the pivotal wing of Siddha medical science that focused
on the study and diagnosis of disease. It is the bridge between science and medicine.
Pathology is traditionally divided into two primary areas, Anatomic pathology and
clinical pathology. Anatomic pathology also known as surgical pathology focuses of the
examination of organs, tissue, and body fluids for structural abnormalities including
autopsy examination of cadavers. Clinical pathology also known as laboratory medicine,
focuses on the examination of blood and other body samples for functional abnormalities.
Pathology can provide medical students with a comprehensive understanding of the
mechanism behind diseases, including their causes progression and treatment options.
Microbiology provides the information about the microscopic organisms viruses,
bacterial, algae, fungi, slime molds and protozoa. Microbiology has consistently proved
to be one of the most significant field in biology, making it possible to define how
some microorganisms cause disease, discover treatment for such diseases and even use a
few microbes for industrial applications etc.
The Department has well equipped laboratories for pathology and microbiology and it is
furnished with instruments like Laminar Air flow chamber, UV chamber, Autoclave, Hot air
oven, Incubator, Microscopes, Specimen and Models to train students in routine
practicals of pathology and microbiology.