Anatomy a field in the biological sciences concerned with the identification and description of the body structures of living things. Gross anatomy involves the study of major body structures by dissection and observation and in its narrowest sense is concerned only with the human body.
Herophbilus is called the Father of Anatomy. Andreas Vesalius considered as the founder of modern anatomy had profoundly changed not only human anatomy, but also the intellectual structure of medicine.
   Surface Anatomy - The external body
   Regional Anatomy - Specific regions of the body
   Systemic Anatomy - Specific organ systems
   Microscopic Anatomy. It is subdivided into
a) Cytology : The study of cells
b) Histology : The study of tissues
Out Anatomy hall is huge, spacious and highly ventilated well furnished with 12 dissection tables and necessary dissecting instruments including a bone and brain sectioning machine. The Cadaver room is located separately and has two stainless steel cadaver tanks and two ceramic tile placed cadaver tanks available. The tutorial room is inside the dissection hall. Skeleton bones, soft parts and models are placed in the Anatomy museum. The department library is functioning with sufficient books. Clear pictured charts are mounted on the wall for easy learning of anatomy to the students.