• Counselling Code: 1033
  • No:5/121B, Mecode, Kaliyakkavilai, Kanyakumari Dist., Tamil Nadu, Pin:629153.

Udal Thathuvam

உடல் தத்துவம் :


The Department of Physiology has body Philosophy (Siddha Physiology) and Modern Physiology in its undergraduate BSMS course. The department actively explores innovative methods to enhance teaching and learning. The department could integrate aspects of traditional medicine (Siddha) with modern physiology in its curriculum. The department may have a departmental library to provide additional learning resources for students.

Growth Providing

Siddha Physiology:

Body philosophy (Siddha physiology) is the major branch of Siddha science that deals with the integrated functioning of the human body.

   Pranamaya Kosam (Respiratory System) Methods of prolonging life through Siddha science of breathing exercises, 14 reflexes, internal connection between the respiratory system and nervous system and hormone glands.

   Annamaya Kosam (Gastrointestinal System) Relation between Pancha budhas and the body and six types of tastes, seven basic elements of the body, and three types of food items (sattva,raso,tamo). Nine doors or vents of the body.

   Manomaya Kosam (Cardiovascular System) 72,000 Nadi & Nerves and the relationship between the Ten vital airs, Eight predominant passions.

   Vigyanamaya Kosam (Nervous System) about the normal balance of the three humours (Vata, Pitha and Kapha), Five Sensory Orangs and Five Motor Organs, Four intellectual faculties.

   Ananthamaya Kosam (Reproductive System) the role of Pancha budhas in the formation and development of embryos or life force bases.

Modern physiology:

Physiology is the scientific study of function within living systems, encompassing organs, tissues, cells, and biomolecules. The department highlights the study of functions, mechanisms, and biological processes that govern the human body's workings.

Biochemistry(Uyir Vedhiyal):

Biochemistry plays a vital role in the life of human beings in todays world. The Department of Biochemistry offers high scientific learning of various biochemical aspects that revolve around humankind. It incorporates the study of biology and chemistry of the functioning of human life. This provides detailed areas of Biomolecules, Immunology, Protein Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Molecular biophysics, Bioenergetics, Molecular genetics and Drug design.

The Department of Biochemistry has an excellent infrastructure and faculties with vast experience and knowledge in teaching and clinical service. The Laboratory is well equipped with the latest instruments which create interest in learning and applying the new knowledge to research activities by the eminent faculties. It focuses on providing quality diagnostic testing in routine biochemistry investigations, and special investigations like hormones, drugs and metabolites.

Teaching Approach:

Focuses on understanding physiological principles rather than rote memorization. Integrates lectures with problem-based and case-based learning to make the subject more relevant and engaging for students. Recognizes physiology as the foundation for understanding other medical subjects like pathology.

Laboratory Training:

The department boasts well-equipped labs with instruments for practical training in areas such as haematology and human/clinical experiments. The labs emphasize individual participation, allowing students to perform experiments independently.